About Me

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Lisa Pattison has provided instruction at Hope Wind Farm, CaninePartnership.com, Canine Water and Outdoor Adventure as well as at workshops for tracking training and Canine Water Sports. Lisa coaches the handlers of performance dogs, rescue dogs in addition to those training older dogs. Currently teaching dog training at CaninePartnership.com . Additionally, we teach Clicker training (with or without a clicker) provides quick easy feedback to the dog & it is fun for the trainer too. The quicker the dog understands what is rewarding him, the quicker he is to listen. Lisa gives students a dog friendly method to develop their canine partner. When handlers understand why the dog does what he does , then the communication can truly begin. This proven method ensures the dog enjoys learning how to behave while simultaneously creating a deeper rapport with his owner.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Next session of Puppy Class starts in September at Readington NJ

Happy Puppies Start at Happy Dog Farm!

Get Started Early! Take the time NOW! Puppies, like children, learn twice as fast as adults.
This is one of the top 5 tips to improve your dog's quality of life. If your puppy learns to look to you as the kind gentle leader and the source of all good things, you are well on your way to starting the relationship you have always dreamed of. At Canine Partnership we will show you how to understand your puppy and how to teach him manners in a fun friendly way.
Our goal is to create a smart cooperative puppy. One who will become confident and polite dog. We understand your puppy is a part of your family. You want a well behaved dog you can be proud of when you go places. We will help you create a puppy who is attuned to his human family and listens.
Make your puppy your partner. Canine Partnership.com
Thursday Class Starts September 9th at 6pm to 7pm .
Sunday Class Starts September 12th at 9:30 to 10:30
$150.00 for 6 sessions.
Contact Lisa Pattison countryclipper@comcast.net for registration .
Register before August 20th for free bag of training treats.
To be sure you and your dog maximize your learning and fun, class size is limited to 4 dogs.
‘Train your dog happy at Happy Dog Farm’

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Free Shaping Class

After a wet Sunday Morning Tracking Class we moved inside the building to start our Free Shaping Class Session. Dirt is surrounded by props as his handler Marcy of Readington NJ contemplates what she will shape.

Friday, February 19, 2010

YouTube - p007865's Channel

- p007865's Channel

Ready to get Started? (CaninewatersportsCountryclipperAussiesII)

Ready to get Started? (CaninewatersportsCountryclipperAussiesII)

Performance & Pet Dog Training-Lisa Pattison's blog

Performance & Pet Dog Training-Lisa Pattison's blog

YouTube - murphylacey's Channel

- murphylacey's Channel

YouTube - p007865's Channel

- p007865's Channel

Facebook | Lisa A Pattison

Facebook | Lisa A Pattison

Countryclipper Aussies - Performance and Pet Dog Training In NJ

Countryclipper Aussies - Performance and Pet Dog Training In NJ

New Dates posted for Tracking Training Sessions ! (Countryclipper Aussies)

New Dates posted for Tracking Training Sessions ! (Countryclipper Aussies)

The tracking articles are the foundation for the body language in your tracking dog. It is easier to read a motivated dog on a track. This is a small glimpse of the begining sequence for a strong tracking foundation

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Snowmageddon Tracking Dog Willy the australian shepherd

Great opportunities abound lately to track in the snow with your dog. You can see what your dog is tracking and r reward your dog for making good decisions. Additionally it is rewarding to the tracklayer when NO FLAGS or MAPS needed!

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Tracking Practice at Happy Dog Farm in Flemington NJ

It is amazing to me how the dog sport of tracking can be so simple in its premise and yet be so complicated for we handlers on the end of the leash. Dog's are born knowing how to do this. The handler after showing the dog with training what he wants the dog to follow must now learn the dog's body language in order to follow the dog on the blind track  presented at a tracking test. Subtle things the handler does when following the dog in a practice track in  training often signal the direction of the track to the dog othertimes the dog simply lacks the confidence to follow a track in the correct direction if the handler hesitates or stands on a turn.  
While learning to read a dog's body language while following behind him on the track, pay attention to the dog's speed traveling on , to and over and off the track. Notice if his head is low, middle height, high . Is his nose touching the grass, mouth open or closed, tail high or low or half mast?  It all in the details. Snapshots can really catch the body language. Combine that information with the details of the track such as where is the article in relation to the dog' s position, where is the turn, and  where is the footprint path of the track. Other information such as weather , wind, temp, terrain etc are influential but as a handler you  need to read your dog while he is tracking and concentrate on what the dog is telling you.
Good luck and keep on tracking!